Experience Matters
From 2018-2023, Christine was the Chair of the State Senate Ways and Means Committee, responsible for leading development of the state's $60 billion budget.
Under her leadership, the Senate produced a balanced budget, on-time, for five years in a row, a record that hadn't been achieved since the 1800's. The state also received AA+ credit ratings and was recently ranked #1 in Long-Term fiscal stability by US News.
Christine brings this experience to Kitsap County government.
Click here for the the US News article.

Thank you for visiting my campaign website!
I’ve been working hard as your Kitsap County Commissioner since June of 2023, when I was appointed to fill the seat vacated by former Commissioner Rob Gelder.
My husband and I moved here over 30 years ago - he to work as a Deputy Prosecutor and I as a young planner for Kitsap County’s Department of Community Development. We raised our two daughters here and hope to retire and grow old here.
From 2007-2023 I represented you in the Washington State legislature, focused on improving and maintaining the quality of life for all the people in Kitsap County.
As a legislative leader, I worked in partnership with diverse members of our community to achieve success, securing critical funding for our ferries and for transportation improvements throughout the region. I passed legislation to modernize our health care system, create more housing for our most vulnerable neighbors, promote animal welfare, preserve Puget Sound, and protect local forests.
I sponsored legislation to reduce property taxes for more low-income seniors, veterans, and people living on disability and eliminated the state B&O tax for the smallest businesses.
Now working in Kitsap County, I continue to provide that same inclusive, focused, and effective level of public service. Today our communities are experiencing unprecedented growth based on land-use decisions made in the past – at stake is affordability, public safety, healthcare access, and the quality of life that we have come to love and expect.
While I can’t change decisions made over the past decades, I can work with a diversity of voices to update regulations, streamline processes, and make county government more transparent and responsive to you, the taxpayer, and the customer.
The job of Kitsap County Commissioner is an important one. Three people are elected to work collaboratively, to provide local government services effectively and efficiently. I take this job seriously and have the experience necessary to make important executive decisions that benefit all of us.
I am easily available to you - please feel free to email me with questions and concerns and I will do my best to respond personally and promptly. If you have concerns about county matters over the next couple of weeks, you can contact me through my Port Orchard office.

In The News
Elect Christine for Kitsap County Commissioner

One of my favorite parts of the job is being in community - putting faces to issues and getting to know the wonderful people who live in our beautiful county. It's not always easy, but working through issues together creates enduring outcomes that benefit all of us.
In The Community
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